Club By-Laws




October 11, 2010



The name of this organization shall be the Groton Senior Citizens’ “Club 55” of Groton,



To provide an opportunity for senior citizens to get together in a social and recreational

atmosphere; to provide a meaningful experience for seniors during their leisure time, and

to educate the community as to the continual worth of senior citizens.


A. Members shall be residents of the Town of Groton, age fifty-five and above. Policy

rule is governed by the Parks & Recreation Department, the sponsor.

B. New members (individual/couples) must register at the office of the Groton Senior

Center before becoming Club members. Proof of Groton residency must be shown at

the time of registering, i.e.; driver’s license, utility bill, rent receipt, personal check

w/printed information, library card, or senior citizens I.D. card.

C. Upon payment of annual dues, a member is eligible for all rights and privileges of the

Club. Dues shall be paid by September 1 and run through August 31 of the following

year. Annual dues shall be $5.00 starting September 1.


A. A President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Historian and

Chaplain shall be elected.

1. All officers may run for consecutive terms up to three (5) consecutive terms.

B. The above officers plus standing committee chairpersons, the immediate Past-

President and the Senior Center Supervisor shall constitute the Executive Board.

C. The Senior Center Supervisor or staff representative shall act as a liaison officer

between the Club and the sponsor, the Parks & Recreation Department at the

Executive Board.




October 11, 2010


D. Nominations

1. Nominations for the Nominating Committee will be selected at the August

business meeting with the President having the option of selecting one (1)

member and four (4) being selected from the floor. If more than five (5)

names are chosen, then a secret ballot will be conducted to choose five (5)


2. A Nominating Committee consisting of five (5) members and the

Senior Center Supervisor will convene no later than September 1 of

each year.

3. The Committee will select a chairperson and will schedule as many

meetings as needed to decide upon a slate of officers.

4. No names will be considered after October 31. Any member wishing

to be considered, after the deadline, has the option of pursuing a write

in campaign.

5. The slate of officers recommended by the Nominating Committee will

be presented to the members at the November Club meeting of the

current year. Candidates may be nominated from the floor (with prior

acceptance from the candidate). The Nominating Committee’s

recommendation for the slate of officers shall be published in the

December and January newsletter.

E. An election will be held at the January business meeting. Balloting will be by secret

ballot and a plurality vote will rule in all balloting of officers. Only paid-up members

will be allowed to vote. In the case of one nominee, The Secretary may cast one vote

for the election of that office. Nominees for each office shall be presented by the

residing officers at the meeting and acted on.

1. The officer in charge shall appoint 2 (two) monitors to be present for

the proper collection of ballots in the ballot boxes set up in a

designated area and shall designate 3 (three) members for the counting

of ballots. The votes cast will be verified by the Monitor who will then

present the count to the officer in charge who will announce the results

to the members present.

2. Voting on Election Day will be between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to

12:30 p.m. All club members voting will be verified by the

Membership Chairperson or other designated person.


A. The President shall preside at all meetings and be ex-officio member of all

committees except the Nominating Committee. The President may appoint a

Chairperson of the Special Services Committee and any other committees as shall be

deemed necessary by the membership. The President shall be responsible for the Vice




October 11, 2010


President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Chaplain, Historian and Flag

Attendant, Executive Board, Special Committees and Business Meetings.

B. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and

shall perform and carry out such duties as required by this office. The President and

Vice President shall co-chair and organize special fund raising events.

C. The Secretary shall record all actions of the Executive Board and Business Meetings

and maintain these minutes in an orderly fashion for the future reference of this


D. The Treasurer shall keep the records of all monetary transactions and shall give a

report at the Executive Board and monthly meetings.

1. All proceeds from activity sales must be counted in the presence of a

staff member, Club Officer, and 1 (one) designated impartial

representative of the Club

E. Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the

Treasurer. Assistant Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio member without vote of the

Finance Committee. Also, the Assistant Treasurer shall serve in such other capacities

as assigned by the President.

F. The Historian shall keep records of all Club activities in the official Club scrapbook

to be passed onto succeeding Club Historians.

G. The Chaplain shall be responsible for the prayer and a moment of meditation for our

deceased members at each business meeting and major club functions. In his/her

absence the presiding officer shall be responsible.

H. The Flag Attendant shall be responsible for the Flag Ceremony. In his/her absence the

presiding officer shall be responsible.

I. If an office becomes vacant except for that of President, the current Nominating

Committee shall recommend a replacement for the office to the Executive Board,

which shall then present it to be voted on by the general membership at the next

regular business meeting.

J. The duties of the Executive Board shall be:

1. To act on matters pertaining to the comfort, enjoyment and

participation in activities for all members.

2. To assure that members’ ideas, concerns and opinions are given an

honest appraisal at all times.

3. To provide the members a fair and full report of all business conducted

by this board.




October 11, 2010



A. All expenditures over $100 must be approved by a majority of the membership

present and voting. Expenditures $100 and under must be approved by a majority of

the Executive Board present and voting.

B. Distribution of funds from a fund-raising event shall be determined by the Executive

Board and approved by the Club membership.

C. The Audit Committee shall consist of three persons – two whom will be appointed by

the President at the November Business meeting and the third will be a representative

from the Senior Center staff. The audit shall cover the finance records from the first

day of January to the thirty first (31

st) day of December and shall be reported at the

January business meeting.


A. An Achievement Awards Program is to be established by the Groton Senior Citizens’

Club 55.

B. Finances for the achievement awards shall be taken from the Groton Senior Citizens’

Club 55 Operating Fund.

C. In May, the achievement awards shall be presented to 2 (two) Groton residents

graduating from area high schools or technical schools. A check for not more than

$500 each shall be presented to the applicants selected by the Achievement Awards



A. The Town of Groton Recreation Department shall sponsor this organization and shall

have final approval of all activities.

B. The Parks and Recreation Department shall provide a Senior Center Supervisor who

will be a liaison between the Club and Sponsor and shall assist in the function of the


C. The Senior Center Supervisor shall be responsible for entertainment, parties,

luncheons, refreshments, bazaars, trips, collection for meals and dues, decoration and


D. A special Club Meeting may be called by the Executive Board and held on a Tuesday

with four days notice.

E. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of 5 Board members.




October 11, 2010


F. All meetings pertaining to the Groton Senior Citizens “Club 55” Committees will be

conducted at the Groton Senior Center.


A. Club Business Meeting 12:30 to completion

Club Gathering 12:30 to completion

B. Order of Business

1. Call to order by President

2. Flag Salute by Flag Attendant

3. Prayer and moment of silence for departed members

4. Reading of minutes of previous meeting

5. Treasurer’s report

6. Correspondence

7. Committee reports

8. Old Business

9. New Business

10. Program reminders (Senior Center Supervisor)

11. Motion to adjourn

C. All business of the Club will be governed by the Club’s policies and procedures.


A. These By-laws may be revised from time to time. The method of proposed revisions

will be governed by the Club’s Policy and Procedures.

By-laws Committee:

Irene Garagliano

Cecilia Cara

Rosemary Golston

Don Mosher

Tom Morris




October 11, 2010



VII.C. Amendment was voted on and approved on July 10, 2001 at Groton Senior

Citizens Club meeting.

IV A. Amendment was voted on and approved on June 11, 2002 at Groton Senior

Citizens Club meeting.

V E. Addition of Assistant Treasurer position was voted on and approved on

December 13, 2005 at Groton Senior Citizens’ Club meeting.

IV A. 1 Amendment was voted on and approved on December 13, 2005 at Groton

Senior Citizens’ Club meeting.

IV D. 1 Amendment change date from March to August voted and approved Oct. 9,

2007 at Groton Senior Citizens’ Club meeting.

IV D. 2 Amendment change date from April 1

st to September 1st voted and approved

Oct. 9, 2007 at Groton Senior Citizens’ Club meeting.

Change of Club name to Groton Senior Citizens Club 55 voted and approved October

11, 2010.

III C – Changed end date of membership to August 31 voted and approved October

11, 2010.

VI D 1 – change of terminology from ‘selection’ to ‘selecting’ voted and approved

October 11, 2010.

VI D 4 – added, voted and approved October 11, 2010.

V B. Amendment was voted on and approved October 11, 2010